
Weekly Mixtape for July 7th, 2017


Every Friday I’ll be releasing my own compilation, a mixtape if you will, of blog posts from the week I think are worth your time.

I hope your holiday weekend and shortened work week were great! We had a blast for the 4th (pun intended!); we went back to the small town in Western Pennsylvania where the majority of my extended family lives. The boys had a great time at the parade, we got to img_4029see family we only see on the 4th, and it was a nice little family getaway. The only downside to the trip was I didn’t get to read as much as I had hoped…I’m already behind schedule with Josh Brown’s summer reading challenge (check it out here). I’ve got my work cut out for me to catch up!

Here’s the first mixtape for the second half of the year. Hope you enjoy!

Barry Ritholtz via Bloomberg: The World Is About To Change Even Faster  Technology continue to improve, and the rate of its improvement and adoption by consumers is only increasing. Barry takes us on a quick trip down memory lane to examine the disruption technology is causing in our lives. The final two sentences of his post say it all, “Heraclitus, a philosopher of flux who lived 2,600 years ago, wrote, ‘Nothing endures but change’. We underestimate its pace at our own peril.” 

Brendan Mullooly: Go Where Nobody Else Will I had the opportunity to meet Brendan last fall the the Evidence Based Investing conference in NYC, and I’m excited to have the opportunity to share his most recent post. Brendan uses his love of running to explain the advantage of doing things others are not willing to do; I wish I would have thought to use basketball, or CrossFit to deliver the same message. Give this a read and start to think about what advantages you have that will allow you to go where nobody else will–apply this to work, investing, or wherever you can. Just a little of my own two cents: going where nobody else can sometimes involve not doing anything…think about it.

Michael Kay via Forbes: The Best Kept Secret in the Financial Services World  The movement toward better treatment of investors continues, and Michael highlights fee-only financial planning as the financial planning relationship changing the landscape. I can confirm through personal experience with my firm that consumers are looking for advisors putting their interests first and not selling them product. If you’re looking for a financial advisor, or currently in a working relationship, this is a great read to help evaluate the relationship you are looking for, or are in.

A Wealth of Common Sense: Soundbite Investing Headlines will always grab our attention, and when it comes to money and investing, they seem to be more attention grabbing than others. Ben Carlson discusses this when it comes to investing, and explains why you should probably just tune them out. This is a must read for any CNBC-junkie.

The Irrelevant Investor: The Financial Nutrition Labels  After reading this, I took an honest look at my own firm and how I report my client’s success and progress toward their goals. While I think my clients know where they stand, I cannot say with 100% certainty my clients would fall in the highly confident category–that must change. So, now  I am working on creating an improved way to communicate my clients progress so each time we meet they walk away feeling confident in where they stand, the plan we have created, and rest even better than before. Where do you stand?

All About Your Benjamins: Never Count Another’s Money This has been the most shared and Tweeted post of mine to date, so I thought I’d share again.

Disclaimer: Nothing on this blog should be considered advice, or recommendations. If you have questions pertaining your individual situation you should consult your financial advisor. For all of the disclaimers, please see my disclaimers page.