Hey there!
Welcome to All About Your Benjamins. If you didn’t know already, my name is Justin Castelli and I’m a financial advisor and the founder of RLS Wealth, a registered investment advisor in Fishers, Indiana. I launched RLS Wealth in July of 2015 and shortly after launched All About Your Benjamins as an outlet to share my take on personal finance, investing, and anything else I felt I could contribute valuable ideas to.
Over the years, I’ve evolved as a financial advisor (and an individual) and you can see that through the subjects I discussed, my opinions, and the frequency of my posting. All About Your Benjamins has been, and will continue to be, an important part of my professional journey–without AAYB I would not be the advisor I am today with the network of tremendous people I’ve been fortunate enough to meet over the years.
What Can You Expect From All About Your Benjamins?
As I update this “About Me” page in the summer of 2023 I have shifted my focus as an advisor from “traditional financial planning” to a deeper and more impactful approach to helping clients. I am focusing all of my professional energy on helping individuals find and live their authentic life. I’m writing about the connection of spirit, mind, body with money in my Daily Notes on my personal website and creating non-financial advice offerings at PRST. When it comes to implementing this new approach to financial planning at RLS Wealth, I’m doing so with LifeDesign+, which is the only relationship we will be welcoming new clients to the firm–all existing clients are grandfathered in.
For the most part All About Your Benjamins is going to be my outlet to discuss the financial component of the alignment of spirit, mind, body, and money–and the home for The Next Episode, a podcast launched this year with my dad.
I’m excited about the future of All About Your Benjamins and that it continues with me as I evolve my approach to financial planning and interests in the profession. If you’re interested in the spirit, mind, and body part of the equation be sure to sign up for my Daily Notes.
I hope you enjoy!
RL Wealth Management, L.L.C. DBA RLS Wealth Management is a Registered Investment Advisor in the state of Indiana.
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