Bigger Picture

Continuing The Momentum…

It is well-documented compound interest is one of the strongest forces known to man, and not too far behind compound interest is momentum. I think one of the factors that keep momentum from receiving more praise is momentum can fade and it requires work to keep it going. Compound interest just works–it doesn’t take much effort to keep it compounding.…

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Weekly Mixtape for December 30th, 2017

Casey Mullooly: You Invest Against Yourself “The idea of accumulating wealth as a way to keep score against others doesn’t make a ton of sense because not everybody is playing the same game as you. You invest against yourself, and that means you get to define the game and make the rules. Do so under your own terms in a way that…

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Weekly Mixtape for December 23rd, 2017

  Morgan Housel via Collaborative Wealth: The Greatest Story Ever Told–it’s long but well worth the time. A must read!! Brendan Mullooly: Investors Are Like Gardners, Not Carpenters “As investors, we crave the controlled, certain, and precise nature of the carpenter’s work, but reality hands us the messy gardener’s circumstances instead. Successful investors realize this, and learn to not let perfect become…

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Cryptoassets, Investing

The Ripple Effect Of Cryptocurrency

Crypto education continues…just paid 38% in fees to test out owning Ripple…tuition paid. What a process! — Justin Castelli (@jus10castelli) December 18, 2017 Worried my professional identity was beginning to blur the line between a financial advisor and a crypto-crazy, I had planned to take a break from the world of cryptocurrency and Blockchain after cashing in my initial investment and…

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Weekly Mixtape For December 16th, 2017

The Reformed Broker: A Twist “Right now, there is a very high correlation between the price of Bitcoin and the amount of new accounts being opened on the Coinbase platform. As the new accounts have skyrocketed to north of 13 million or so, the price of a BTC has shot up along with it.” Pragmatic Capitalism: IFGAF > FOMO  “Financial…

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Cryptoassets, Investing

My Cryptocurrency Experiment Update

Since I’ve been vocal about my crypto experiment, I feel I should share I took some gains and am now playing with house money–took out my initial investment for the time being. Not recommending anything, but just trying to be transparent. — Justin Castelli (@jus10castelli) December 13, 2017 Let’s start out with the obvious, this is in no way any…

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Weekly Mixtape for December 9th, 2017

    GQ: Are You Saving Enough Money? “Your money is like a snowball rolling downhill, except in addition to picking up all the snow on the ground, you’re standing next to it throwing, even more, snow (a.k.a. money) onto it, which in turn, adds more snow (a.k.a. compounded interest) from the ground until eventually, it turns into…Warren Buffet.” Of…

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