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Regaining Control Of Your Mind–The Keep Pursuing Series

The fourth talk in the Keep Pursuing Series might be the most important one of them all–I didn’t realize that would be the case when I created the series. I actually thought this might be the hardest talk to write, but as I sat down to put pen to paper, the perfect stories emerged to show how powerful the mind is.

Through the stories of Jim Carrey, Kobe Bryan, and Dr. Joe Dispenza it becomes clear how important your mind is in finding and living your authentic life.

Without the belief that your authentic life and the version of your Self that exists in it is possible, your authentic life cannot be.

You can catch the replay below on YouTube or your favorite podcast player:

regaining control of your mind

the fourth talk in the Keep Pursuing Series, “regaining control of your mind” discusses the power of your mind and why you should be in control of it. I explore Jim Carrey’s rise to fame, Kobe Bryant’s Mamba Mentality, Dr. Joe Dispenza, and more to highlight how without your mind, you’ll never be able to realize you authentic life.


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