1. Terms of Use
This blog reflects the opinion of the author, and the reader agrees that they are reading of their own free will. None of the content found on this blog should be considered a recommendation. The author is not advising, and won’t advise readers personally concerning topics presented on the blog. To the extent any of the information on the blog may be deemed to be advice, such information is impersonal and not tailored to the needs of any specific person. Please discuss your situation with your personal financial advisor.
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Unless otherwise noted, the author is the legal copyright holder of all material on this blog and should not be reprinted or published without author’s written consent.
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In no event will the author be liable to readers, or any third party for any indirect, consequential, exemplary, incidental, or punitive damages from the readers use of the blog, or any of the content or other materials on the blog.
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The author reserves the right to change the focus of the blog, close it, sell it, or change the terms of use at his own discretion.