Earlier this week I was listening to a Lute album from 2017 and one of my favorite tracks came on, Still Slummin’. For some reason, I was paying close attention to the lyrics when a line screamed out to me:
“You in high demand and that’s life.
Only one time to get it right.
Take a flight, view this world from a different height.
See this hood still the same, no matter how you view it.
You got dreams, I just rather you PURSUE it.
Just promise you never change, I don’t care just how you do it.”
I know it’s been a minute since I’ve written over here, with the exception of the Weekly Mixtape, but I’m still thinking about you. It’s been a busy five months since discovering the next phase of my Pursuit. I’ve been restructuring my calendar to balance continuing to take care of RLS Wealth clients, contributing to the excitement being built at Onramp Invest, helping Thomas Kopelman join forces with Treyton Devore and launch AllStreet Wealth, and most importantly never missing a soccer game, running the boys to practice, and keeping Ang and the boys at the center of everything I do. I’m not going to lie—it’s been a challenge aligning everything which is why I haven’t had the time to write more here. But, I feel good about where things stand now and am excited to bring on more support in January as I welcome my dad to the RLS Wealth team as the Chief People Officer to help make sure the RLS Family knows how much we love them.
I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and I’ll be back to write and record more for All About Your Benjamins. I’ve accumulated a lot to share with you in the coming months and I’m excited to share.
But for now, I hope you share the same support as Lute’s cousin as I pursue my dreams—the Pursuit I’m on is going to provide plenty of content for me to create and share with you.
Warning: Explicit Lyrics (but such a smooth beat and flow!!)
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