16.2 is almost in the books. Unlike last week, I will be taking another shot at it Monday evening; I’ll provide an update afterwards. Checkout the workout below, and I’ll reveal my initial results:
4 minutes to complete:
25 Toes-to-bar (T2B)
50 Double Unders- jump rope passes under feet twice each jump (DUs)
15 Squat Cleans at 135 lbs.
If this is completed within 4 minutes, move on to the next round of work to be completed in 4 minutes. Any unused time may be carried over to the next round. For example, I completed the first round in just under 3 minutes, which meant I then had 4 minutes plus 1 extra minute carryover to complete the next round. This continues until you cannot complete the work by the end of the 4 minute round, or you complete the final round of 315 lbs. squat cleans…few will do this.
Round 2- 25 T2B, 50 DUs, 13 Squat Cleans at 185 lbs.
Round 3- 25 T2B, 5o Dus, 11 Squat Cleans at 225 (future rounds decrease Squat Cleans by 2 and increase weight to 275 lbs and then 315 lbs)
Going in, my goal was to get into the third round and have a chance at the 225 lbs. squat cleans. I wasn’t sure if I’d make it, but I was able to complete one squat clean at 225 lbs., which gave me 254 reps. On Monday, I’ll shoot for 2-3 squat cleans.
If you’re interested to see what this workout looks like, click this link to go to the CrossFit Games website.
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