Morgan Housel via Collaborative Fund: It’s Hard To Predict How You’ll Respond To Risk “An underpinning of psychology is that people are poor forecasters of their future selves. There is all kinds of research backing this up. Imagining a goal is easy and fun. Imagining a goal in the context of the real life stresses that grow with competitive pursuits is hard to do, and miserable when you can.”
Bps And Pieces: The Is The Normal Part “Typically, even the best years have some very bad days, weeks, and even months. Both 2017 and 2016 were exceptions to the rule.”
Eric Nelson: What Have You Done For Me Lately? “Hopefully, this is another reminder of why you shouldn’t chase performance and aim for more when the asset class return is available and is likely to be more than sufficient to achieve your long-term goals”
The Irrelevant Investor: Imagine “If you’re prone to being a human being, buy some ear plugs, lose your account password, do whatever you have to do to insulate yourself from yourself.”
Of Dollars and Data: The Best Way To Lose $5 Billion Dollars “There is nothing worse for an investor than selling an asset at rock bottom prices in order to get cash for essential purchases.”
A Wealth Of Common Sense: When Mental Models Fail “But you must also have the ability to adapt to changing circumstances to avoid mistakes both big and small. I like the idea of having strong opinions, weakly held. The whole point of a mental model framework is not to be so rigid that you always do things the same way.”
The New York Times: Yes, You can Find A Financial Planner Even If You’re Not Rich
The Ringer: The Woman Of The Woods
All About Your Benjamins: What’s Wealth Mean To You
All About Your Benjamins: A Little Market Perspective
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