Week In Review Articles
The WSJ: U.S. Coronavirus Infections Hit Another Daily Record
The WSJ: U.S. Stocks Fall More Than 2%, End Week Lower
The WSJ: U.S. Initial Unemployment Benefits Steady at 1.5 Million in June
The WSJ: Fed Stress Test Finds U.S. Banks Healthy Enough to Withstand the Coronavirus Crisis
The WSJ: Wirecard’s Former CEO Markus Braun Is Arrested
We win by helping each other win.
— Jack Butcher (@jackbutcher) June 22, 2020
Weekly Mixtape
Morgan Housel: Never The Same “All that matters here is that people’s perception of what policymakers are capable of doing when the economy declines has been shifted higher in a huge way. And it’s crazy to think those new expectations won’t impact policymakers’ future decisions.”
David Perell: Don’t Kill Time “Time is scarce, life is short, and as the grains of sand slip through the hourglass, so does the precious gift of time. Once gone, it disappears forever. We all know these things. And yet, at work and at home, we’re so lost in a trance of distraction that killing time has become a chronic disease. “
Carl Richards: Your 5-Step Guide To Navigating a Scary Stock Market “Make a list of things that you have total control over that allow you to also gain a tiny sense of control. My list includes making small increases to my automatic investments (even $10 feels good), going on regular walks, getting outside, reading a new book, calling my mom and checking in with friends.”
The Belle Curve: Lying With Numbers “If you’ve fallen for some of these misleading statistics, don’t beat yourself up. Lying with statistics has been a persuasive tactic ever since humans created the numeric system. Just be careful from now on. Anytime you hear, read, or see a statistic, your antenna should immediately go up. With time and attention to detail, the curious mind can adapt and learn to ask the questions that uncover the reality behind the numbers. A good rule of thumb – just because there are numbers involved, it’s not the gospel”
The Irrelevant Investor: The New 60/40 Portfolio “The best answer for most people, the answer that nobody (including myself) wants to hear, is to simply prepare for lower returns. Accepting lower returns is a better idea for most people than refusing to accept low returns and swinging for the fences in order to bridge the gap.”
Of Dollars And Data: Roth 401(k) vs 401(k)–Which Is The Better Option? “Though we cannot predict future tax rates, what we can do is estimate how much income we will need in retirement and where we plan on taking that retirement. Having these two pieces of information can do a lot to clarify whether you should be contributing to a traditional 401(k) or a Roth 401(k).”
Cathy Curtis: How Mountain Biking Is Like Life ” With mountain biking, just like life, there are always challenges right around the corner. Do you navigate them with grace and finesse, or do you do the best you can, knowing that by doing, you will be better the next time? Or, maybe you realize that mountain biking just isn’t your thing, but at least you tried, just like life.”
The Long Game: Time–Your Most Valuable Asset “When you shift your mindset to see time as your most valuable asset, you start to understand it’s not something you want to give away freely. I am not saying don’t spend time with people you care about. What I am saying is use your time to do the things you love with the people you love.’
Christopher Clepp: 10 Lesson I Learned On Lockdown ” Instead, we purchased a hiking backpack for me to take my son to school every day. He and I get some alone time every morning. He is at the age where he loves pointing out bunnies, squirrels, and trucks going down the road. He loves the view up there.”
Retirement Field Guide: Market Expectations For The Next 30 Years “It is so easy to get lost in the doom and gloom of the daily news cycle. They talk about the markets in the literal span of “What’s happening in trading this afternoon?” and completely ignore the bigger picture. I find that the more I focus on the larger global trends, the more difficult it is to be pessimistic about what might lie ahead over the next multi-decade period.”
All About Your Benjamins: Talking Allyship On The Minority Money Report Podcast
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