No Week In Review Videos—had two little guys wake up early today and ask to watch a movie..
Week In Review Articles
The WSJ: Joe Biden Vows to Unite America as President
The WSJ: Stocks Close Higher, Extending Biggest Weekly Rally Since April
The WSJ: Drop In Jobless Rate Shows Healing U.S. Labor Market
The WSJ: The Only Consensus on Wall Street Is Tuesday’s Election Will Be Felt for Years to Come
When you say no to a lot of things, that ‘yes’ carries weight.
— Dasarte Yarnway (@DasarteYarnway) November 4, 2020
Weekly Mixtape
A Wealth Of Common Sense: My Biggest Post-Election Market Questions “Let’s say we actually see some good news in 2021 and get a vaccine that works. I think it’s possible we could see a collective sigh from the American people in the form of spending their faces off on vacations, travel, and other things we haven’t been able to do for going on 8 months now.”
Ashby Daniels: Half A Life Ahead “What can you do to make a meaningful life? Or, thinking of the question slightly differently, what can you do to make stories (a.k.a. memories)? No matter what age you are, I want to offer a simple reminder that there is still time to create more stories. This might sound overly simple, but making memories involves “doing something.””
Humble Dollar: For Your Benefit “Selecting health care coverage is as difficult as selecting 401(k) investments, and perhaps more frightening to most people. And just as with the 401(k), employers are prone to offer too many choices, prompting many workers to make a random selection so they can be done with it. Want to make a smarter choice this year? Keep eight things in mind.”
Helen Ngo: A Simple Financial Planning Strategy To Kickstart Your New Year “The key is to be informed and prepared, so you’ll never feel like you’re limited in accessing your money. You know that most bank branches close at 5 PM, so you’re not going to go there at 10 PM expecting to deposit a check. In the same way, you can be prepared for bank and market holidays.”
Cristina Guglielmetti: Diderot Effect, Or How A Robe Will Get You To Throw It All Away “Simply being aware of it, and also aware of the ways it is used, is a very helpful circuit-breaker to stop the spiral. As always, the key to this is mindfulness and intention – spend your money as you like, but make sure you are making decisions that bring you true joy and are aligned with your overall life goals and ideals. One way to use money in a more happiness-inducing way is to spend on experiences rather than goods…”
Pragmatic Capitalism: The Markets and the Economy Don’t Care About Your Politics “The real point here is that the economy is a massively complex system with outcomes that are so broadly impacted that no single person or entity can influence them single-handedly. The market and the economy are going to react to things waaaay outside of the control of politicians. So, the next time you get the urge to attribute political or market outcomes to your (least) favorite politician I’d recommend stepping back and considering the fact that the world is a lot more complex than our political cheerleaders might want us to believe.”
The Reformed Broker: The Stock Market Doesn’t Care Who Wins “Take the 9 million gigabytes worth of election-flavored market content you’ve consumed over the last 8 weeks and flush it all completely from your brain’s hard drive. Full delete.”
The Irrelevant Investor: Even If We Knew “If, however, you did make a decision that is costing you more than a few shekels, then hopefully you will take something away from this experience. And that take away should be very simple; even if you knew what would happen in the future, you still wouldn’t know how the market will react.”
Inc Magazine: How Great Entrepreneurs Think “Brilliant improvisers, the entrepreneurs don’t start out with concrete goals. Instead, they constantly assess how to use their personal strengths and whatever resources they have at hand to develop goals on the fly, while creatively reacting to contingencies.”
Thomas Kopelman: Not Another Election Post “I encourage you to take some time in the near future and think through what you are saving and investing for. The goal is to save for the short term and invest for the long term. And remember, you will be rewarded for continuing to invest in the stock market and holding on to those investments for the next 30 or 40 years to come. Do not make any crazy changes due to headlines and fear you see in the media.”
All About Your Benjamins The Podcast: Leif Abraham: And Bringing Community To Investing
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