“The headlines that may or may not be impacting your financial plan and portfolio.”
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Weekly Mixtape
Morgan House: Cumulative vs. Cyclical Knowledge “I can imagine a world in 50 years where things like cancer and heart disease are either non-existent or effectively controlled. I cannot ever imagine a world where economic volatility is tamed and people stop making financial decisions they eventually regret – no matter how much history of past mistakes we have to study.“
Casey Grisez: Beyond Resistance “Many of us know deep down that we want to do something different — a project, new hobby, new career — that would push us. It would force us out of our comfort zone. The thought is both exciting and scary, and it may make others question what we’re thinking.“
Dr. Phil Pearlman: One True Benchmark “There’s only one true benchmark and it is staring us in the mirror. “
Young Money: The Dichotomy Of Work “We might be told to follow our dreams, but we are taught to pursue practicality. To do “what we’re supposed to do.”“
Kyla Scanlon: Rubberbands On Watermelons “But there are now all these rubbers bands that are continuously being wrapped around the economic watermelon – and the question now is – how close will it get to exploding?“
A Wealth Of Common Sense: The Worst Kind Of Financial Advice “It feels like a lot of the stuff that’s worked out for me has come from some combination of luck, timing and hard work. I just don’t know which variables have carried the most weight because it’s impossible to know.“
The Big Picture: Sussing Out Probabilities “I am fond of saying the future is unknown and unknowable. But when the full range of possible outcomes is this challenging to assess, it makes the markets appear flighty, indecisive, and trendless.“
Of Dollars and Data: How The 60/40 Portfolio Makes A Comeback “But, the good news is that the pain bond investors are experiencing now will pave the way for the 60/40 comeback later.“
The Freestyle Way Podcast w/ Carl Paoli
The Breakthrough Factor with Jess Boss
The PRST: The Difference Between “Act As If” and “Embodying Your Future Self”

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