I just completed my first week as VP of Marketing and Brand at Onramp and I can assure you all of the excitement around this company is real…very real.
I thought I’d share some of what has me excited:
Start-up life. After experiencing the excitement of a start-up, I’ve confirmed that I thrive in organized chaos—running RLS, launching the AGC™, creating content, never missing the boys’ sports or school events, and other small projects I pursued created my old version of organized chaos. Today, it’s RLS, AGC™, Onramp, and all things family.
In a start-up, especially one with the anticipation like we have at Onramp, there’s always something big happening internally. There’s fundraising going on, partnerships being negotiated (I can’t wait for more of these to be announced), new hires being made, finishing touches being worked on, and tons of Google Meets being held. It’s a lot of fun—it could be stressful for some, but for me it’s exciting. I’m thankful for the opportunity and the support from both my RLS Wealth clients and the Onramp team to strike a balance between everything.
I write and talk about pursuing passions and constructing your life to be able to do the the things that excite you the most—I’m practicing what I preach and hopefully showing that it can be done.
The opportunity to execute with a team. Until last summer when my colleague Thomas Kopelman joined me, creating content, marketing, and building the RLS brand was all on me. I enjoyed every moment of it and learned a lot—tried some things, stopped some things, did some things right, did some things wrong, and had a little success. Looking back, I could have done so much more if there were others to help me execute and create even more—I look at what my friends at Ritholtz Wealth Management have been able to build and I am in awe…and I can’t help but think I could have done something similar, if I had a team.
And now I am a part of a team. A talented team. A motivated team. A supportive team. The Onramp team is focused and we are about to do some big things!
Seeing Tyrone Ross lead. Hands down, Tyrone is the best leader I have ever been around. And I’ve been around some great leaders in my days—a life of playing basketball, six years of networking and talking to the leaders of my profession, and reading the stories of successful business leaders have exposed me to the best of the best. But none can touch Tyrone. He leads in Slack. He leads on Google Meets. He leads in emails. He leads without even having to be in the meeting. He’s united the team and is inspiring us all to be our best, do our best, and always remember to be grateful for the opportunity in front of us.
I’d consider myself a leader—it’s always been a natural position for me to fill. I was the captain of my basketball teams. I started my own company. I have always felt comfortable leading by example. To be honest, I didn’t see myself working for someone else ever again, well except for my clients. I’ve considered partnering with other firms or joining exciting fast growing firms in the past, but I always decided against it because I didn’t want to step out of my role as a leader and give up my freedom.
But it is completely comfortable for me to fall back and follow Tyrone’s lead. At Onramp, I feel at ease supporting Tyrone and the rest of the Onramp team–another sign it was the right move to make.
The product. I can’t share much more than what is already been shared, but as a financial advisor with clients looking to allocate to bitcoin, I cannot wait to use Onramp. It’s that good. Since I can’t share much, I’ll drop the link to the waitlist—so if you’re a financial advisor, sign up to get updates from us and some of the great education pieces we will be dropping. Also be sure to follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn as we’ve got some great content lined up and you won’t want to miss out. Finally, if you’re the client of a financial advisor and you’d like to have them help you allocate to bitcoin and other digital assets in the future…feel free to tell them about Onramp or forward them this blog post.
I’m looking forward to taking on more responsibility and having a bigger impact at Onramp–this is what the last few years of experimenting, learning, and developing my marketing and brand strategies have been for. It’s my time to put the hard work on display on a bigger stage.
I’ll continue to document start-up life, the art of balancing, and Onramp updates.
Disclaimer: Nothing on this blog should be considered advice, or recommendations. If you have questions pertaining to your individual situation you should consult your financial advisor. For all of the disclaimers, please see my disclaimers page.