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A November Fast

Social media has been instrumental in my growth as a financial advisor—I’ve made connections with countless financial advisors who I’ve learned a great deal from. I’ve met mentors who have helped me immensely as my business has grown and evolved. I’ve built lifelong friendships with people I would have never met if it were not for social media.

Recently, social media has helped launch the Advisor Growth Community™; if you’re not familiar with the AGC™ it’s an online community for financial advisors looking to grow, learn, and collaborate with other like-minded financial advisors–basically taking all of the good of social media and stripping out the negatives. Without social media, I would not know Taylor Schulte, who helped create and launch the community with me, and the idea of the AGC™ would have never been. Without social media, we would not have been able to launch with such an amazing group of financial advisors in the beta group—the Advisor Growth Community™ was only promoted via social media.

A quick side note: if the Advisor Growth Community™ is of interest to you, head on over to  to learn more and sign up to stay up to date with everything AGC™ via email.

As important as social media—Twitter and Instagram in particular—have become to me, you might be surprised to hear that I’ve decided to take a short break from my favorite platforms, but that’s exactly what I’m doing for the month of November.

My friend Dasarte Yarnway provided the inspiration for this fast as he just finished a 40-day fast from social media, amongst other things. I was sold on it after listening to his most recent podcast episode where he shared what he learned from his fast. I encourage you to check out his podcast and consider if a “fast” of sorts would be beneficial for you…especially as we head into the end of the year and get ready for a “fresh start” in 2020.

Like Dasarte, I’m not only giving some things up during my fast, which is traditionally what is done during a fast, but I’m also adding positive things into my life and routine. Here’s a quick summary of what I’m focusing on in the next month:

No social media*.

I have to admit, the scarcity mindset makes me nervous that the relationships I’ve developed via social media will dissolve if I’m not around to keep them going. I also fear my ability to leave an impact on my profession and my ability to help other advisors will diminish if I’m not present on social networks.  As I step back and reread those two-sentences, I can’t think anything other than how absurd that thought is. If after a month of not logging in, or less time on the platforms in the future, impacts my friendships, then they weren’t solid friendships in the first place, and if my contribution diminishes after such a short time, then I need to work harder to make a stronger impression.

*I will be using Buffer to post blogs, podcasts, and other original content, but I will not be actually logging into and engaging on social media.

No sugar.

I’ve accepted that a “sweet tooth” is merely an excuse for not having the discipline to avoid binging on sweets when I’m around them. I’ve decided I’d use this focused fast to kick my sugar habit in hopes that I don’t have to try to kick it later due to an illness like cancer.

Working out 5 days a week in the gym.

I love exercising. I am addicted to the feeling after a good workout, yet I’ve let family life and work get in the way of maintaining my regular workout routine. I used to be a religious 6:00 AM class participant and I’ve gotten away from it—now I plug in my workouts whenever my schedule has a gap. While having my own business affords me the opportunity to be flexible with my workouts, reality prevents me from sticking to it—if my plan is to do the 1:00 class, but a client calls and needs something, my workout is scratched so I can stay and get work done. While I’ve managed to stay in relatively good shape, I want better–I’m better at my job, more energized, and happier when I’m working out on a regular schedule.

Eating clean.

While I’m giving up sugar, I might as well give up some of the processed food I enjoy while I’m at it. I’m not going to totally eliminate it—a few Cheez-Its won’t hurt, but I will be tracking my eating and be more aware of what I’m putting into my body. I’m going back to Paleo-ish with some flexibility built in to enjoy life without going to extremes.


I’ve never been able to stick to a journaling schedule, but I think this time it’ll stick. My journaling will not be for me, but it will be for Roman, Leo, and Silas. I remember reading that Jim O’Shaughnessy wrote a letter to his kids every day and either has or will one day give them the letters. I’ve always thought this was a great idea but never dedicated myself to doing it. My journaling will be to pass on lessons I’ve learned, advice, and to let the boys know how much I love them. I’m really excited about this project.

Be More Present.

I pride myself on being an involved husband and father, but I know I can be better. With less focus on making sure my FinTwit family doesn’t forget me, I’ll have more time to enjoy and be present with my own family.

A little reset never hurt anyone. I’m looking forward to a clearer mind, a little bit of weight loss, and no more sweet tooth. I’ll be sure to share my experience, just like Dasarte, in December.

Video: J. Cole- Love Yourz (Explicit)

Disclaimer: Nothing on this blog should be considered advice, or recommendations. If you have questions pertaining to your individual situation you should consult your financial advisor. For all of the disclaimers, please see my disclaimers page.