It’s no secret that I love public speaking.
It’s also not a secret that I want to do more of it.
While I get the occasional opportunity to be in front of an audience, I really feel like I have an important message to share with others, and I no longer want to wait for conferences, corporations, organizations, and event planners to find me.
About a month ago, I was feeling inspired by the artist Russ’s release of his album Santiago. I spent the weeks leading up to the release revisiting his full catalog, listening to his podcast appearances, and reading his book–I’ve always loved Russ’s confidence and how he started his career as an independent and has maintained his independence. He’s pursued his career as a hip-hop artist his way and has built a loyal fanbase, sold out his own world tours, played his album for Dr. Dre, and a ton of other experiences you wouldn’t expect an independent artist to have–and he did it all his way.
I don’t know what specifically triggered the idea, but thanks to Russ, I decided I was going to put on my own series of talks.
The vision: a series of five talks that would resemble an independent hip-hop artist’s tour, only instead of having multiple stops on this “tour,” each event would be at the same location. The talks would be independent talks that would stand on their own, but if all five were attended, a complete story would be told. I’d keep the audience small and intimate–no more than 25 people in attendance (tickets are FREE), and as my mind tends to do, the series would eventually be something I’d take to other cities and actually have a speaking tour–and yes, there will be tour T-shirts!!!
Once I had the vision, the name of the series was obvious: the Keep Pursuing Series.
I spent a few nights thinking about the message I wanted to deliver, how I could break it up into separate talks, who I anticipated would attend, where I could host the talks, and a few other minor details. The feeling I had once I had it all mapped out is indescribable—the best I can do is to say I felt like I had already given the talks, as if the series was already complete and it was a massive success.
That feeling was all I needed to go full speed into bringing it to a reality.
This week I finalized all of the details–locked in the venue, the dates, and the times, and in just a couple of hours, tickets for the Keep Pursuing Series will be available on Eventbrite.
To say I’m excited to give these talks is an understatement!
This morning in my Daily Notes, I wrote about how we should take action but not rush in our Pursuit and allow the flow of life to take us where we desire to go. Well, I’ve taken action–I’ve created the Keep Pursuing Series and now I’ll let the flow of life take over and bring the 25 attendees to each talk, a second presentation of the series in the spring, and then the “world tour”…the rest of the work is in the hands of life.
Here are the details, and if you’re not local, don’t worry; I plan to record everything and make the talks available on YouTube and the On Our PRST podcast. If you are local, I highly recommend grabbing a ticket to each of the talks because the energy of the environment won’t be the same on the replays and I believe the my energy and that of the audience will be a part of the experience–it’s not just the message, but the energy of the event!
Geist Coffee Company (the same coffee shop I’ve been taking the boys to on Fridays for breakfast for YEARS!! This was the only location I had in mind for the first round of the series.)
Dates and talks:
October 25th: are you living someone else’s life?
November 8th: finding your authentic life
November 15th: designing a plan to pursue your authentic life
November 29th: regaining control of your mind
December 6th: evolving with your authentic life
7:00 PM EST
Free (for now 😀) Get your tickets here.
I’ll be sharing more about the series and each of the talks in the coming weeks, but today I wanted to share the series with you since tickets become available today. You can read more about the talks and get your FREE ticket by clicking here–everything will be available today at 12:00 PM EST.
If you feel like there’s more for YOU in life but don’t know how to break out of the box you’ve been placed in, the Keep Pursuing Series might just be what you need!
If incorporating your energy level and leveraging the law of attraction in your financial plan resonates with you AND you want to create a plan that excites you because it is leading you to the life you want to live, check out LifeDesign+ and if you like what you see, let’s chat.

Disclaimer: Nothing on this blog should be considered advice, or recommendations. If you have questions pertaining your individual situation you should consult your financial advisor. For all of the disclaimers, please see my disclaimers page.