Week In Review Video Coming Soon
Week In Review Articles
The WSJ: U.S., China Agree to Limited Deal to Halt Trade War
The WSJ: Trump Agrees to Limited Trade Deal With China
The WSJ: Holiday Retail Sales Had a Lackluster November Start
The WSJ: Inflation Isn’t Likely to Take Off Anytime Soon
The WSJ: Investors Bail on Stock Market Rally, Fleeing Funds at Record Pace
Weekly Mixtape
A Wealth Of Common Sense: Financial Gifts For Your Holiday List “With the holiday shopping season about to swing into full gear, it’s time to consider what gifts you will give to friends, co-workers, loved ones—and even yourself. No one wants to think about their finances when faced with the irresistible prospect of Baby Yoda merchandise from The Mandalorian, but I’m here to offer some potential gifts that add to financial well-being.”
Of Dollars And Data: How To Spend Money “But this is no way to live your life. Yes, money is important, but it shouldn’t alarm you anytime you see a price tag. If you have ever debated whether you could afford something even when you had sufficient funds, then the problem isn’t you, but the framework that you are using to think about your spending.”
Your Brain On Stocks: One-Way Doors “This is where things can get confusing because sometimes the best choice on paper isn’t the best choice in the real world. In the real world, flexibility is a valuable commodity often worth paying up for. Flexibility might mean holding more cash than most. Flexibility might mean saving after-tax instead of pre-tax. Flexibility might mean building some “fluff” into your projected monthly expenses.”
Calibrating Capital: Growing Small “We live in a hyper-growth culture. “If you’re not growing, you’re dying” is a phrase I hear a lot in multiple settings – careers, businesses, churches, organizations. There’s certainly some element of truth to it, and in some stages of life – like in a startup business – this is more true than other areas. But to be in perma-growth mode is exhausting.”
A Wealth Of Common Sense: Raising The Best Kids You Can “In many ways, we are who we are as humans because of our genetics but there are certainly ways to make the environment around us more conducive to the type of people we would like our children (or ourselves) to be as they grow older.”
Morgan Housel: How To Read-Lot Of Inputs And A Strong Filter “You’re not a failure if you quit a book after three pages anymore than if you reject the proposition of a 10-hour date with someone you just met who annoys you. Lots of fish in the sea.”
Humble Dollar: Few Absolutes “As with most things in life, there’s no “one size fits all” solution when it comes to finances. Rather than questioning the decisions I’ve made in the past, I’m beginning to appreciate the things I’ve done right”
Samuel Deane: Year-End Planning For Stock Compensation “Although it’s an important consideration, taxes should never be the only reason for exercising options or selling vested shares — or waiting to do so at year-end. Consider your investment objectives and expectations for stock price performance, but more importantly, your personal goals. How can you use equity compensation to UX design your financial life? If money were not an issue, what would you want your life to look like? What do you want to be? Whether it involves embarking on a business venture or settling down to start a family, the combination of your goals and well-designed equity compensation strategy have the power to change your life.”
All About Your Benjamins: What You Should Focus On Financially In 2020
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