Week In Review Articles
The WSJ: Stocks on Track for Best Year Since 2013
The WSJ: Trump Says He Will Sign Phase-One Trade Deal With China on Jan. 15
The WSJ: Targeted Killing of Iranian General Puts U.S. at Crossroads in Middle East
The WSJ; Dow Industrials Falter, Oil Climbs After U.S. Airstrike Kills Iranian Military Leader
The WSJ: Americans Are Taking Cash Out of Their Homes—And It Is Costing Them
The biggest generator of long term results is learning to do things when you don’t feel like doing them.
If you let excuses or emotion drive behavior, you’re cheating yourself.
Put aside the excuses and start doing what you need to do.
— Shane Parrish (@ShaneAParrish) January 4, 2020
Weekly Mixtape
Morgan Housel: 2020-What A Time To Be Alive “The difference between an optimist and a pessimist isn’t usually over substance. It’s the time frame they’re looking at. Problems are easier to spot today, but progress is almost always more powerful over time.”
Calibrating Capital: Risk “There are some types of risk that you can insure against. There are other types that you can diversify against. And there are other types you simply can’t do anything about. It’s virtually impossible to eliminate all risk. And that’s ok. As long as we’re aware of it, and we recognize the importance of flexibility.”
The Reformed Broker: No Asterisks “We should all expect to be wrong, all the time. It’s healthy. And there are things in this game that are worse than being wrong. Like being bitter.”
Humber Dollar: Just Do It “2. Stop talking about yourself and, instead, ask folks about their life.”
Basis Point: Nights, Weekends, & 3 Phases Of Success “Career success requires at least 10 years of being on call nights and weekends on top of a normal work schedule. This will win you above average rankings on money, expertise, credibility, or all three.”
A Wealth Of Common Sense: I Gott Say, It Was A Good Year “So situations like 2018, where everything was down, or 2019, where everything was up, can and will happen. But these scenarios are rare, especially when looking across a number of different asset classes and investment strategies.”
Scott Galloway: Unremarkables “The wealthy have done well, in a supernova kind of way. A ton has been written on this, so just one data point: the top .1% capture more wealth than the bottom 80%. For purposes of self-preservation you’d think the uber-rich would be concerned with this level of income inequality. At some point, the bottom half of the globe by income realizes they can double their wealth by taking the wealth of the richest 8 families, who have more money than 3.6 billion people. “
All About Your Benjamins: 2019 YouTube Round-Up
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