
Weekly Mixtape For June 21st, 2020

Week In Review Articles

The WSJ: US Retail Sales Rose Record 18% In May

The WSJ: Powell Says Despite Signs of Stabilization, Risks of Long-Term Economic Damage Are Significant

The WSJ: Fed Will Amass Corporate Bond Portfolio Using Index Approach

The WSJ: Investors Approaching Retirement Face Painful Decisions

Weekly Mixtape

Morgan House: Same As It Ever Was “If, rather than trying to predict the future, you put all your weight into the handful of behaviors that show up constantly in history and played a role in all the big moments, you get about as close as you can come to seeing the future. You still have no idea what’s going to happen in the future. But you become less surprised at whatever does happen, less confused about why it’s happening, and more confident about how people will react to it.”

A Wealth Of Common Sense: How Rare Is A Double Dip Recession? “It’s impossible to map out the path of the pandemic from here because so much of what happens is driven by our actions in suppressing the virus but my biggest worry for another economic leg down would be a policy misstep.”

Douglas Boneparth: The Story Of Robinhood “What’s taking place today with Robinhood is not too different from what’s already happening with student loans and higher education. Access to money is once again being paired with a style of marketing that can lend itself to bad decisions. The idea that earning a college degree secures you a good job is not too different from the idea that buying stocks will make you a bunch of money, especially when access and financing (via margin borrowing) is practically made available for anyone that wants it.”

Tyrone Ross: Reflect On The First Season Of Tthe Human Advisor “There is earth-moving power in storytelling. Yet many of us are reluctant to share our experiences for various reasons and the world suffers for it. “

The Long Game: Low Hanging Fruit For Young Professionals “Remember, this isn’t a perfect science. Your goals, how you feel about investing and debt, and your risk tolerance all matter when deciding how to go about handling your finances.”

The Productive Physician: Create A Personal Mission Statement “When you create your mission statement, you identify your most important values and beliefs, and consider how they interact with your long-term goals. As a result, you can realign your daily priorities and maintain a sense of purpose.”

Humble Dollar: In Our Own Way “Persevere with these battles when they’re important. But don’t expect to be the perfect citizen. Occasionally have that third slice of pizza. Go ahead, have another glass of wine. Sure, skip the occasional workout.”

The Irrelevant Investor: Market Cap Madness? “Like many of you, I look at these numbers and marvel. Some of these stocks look like they’re discounting more growth than they can possibly deliver, but if we’ve learned anything over the past few years, it’s that betting against stocks that are going up is a game that most of us should just watch and not play.”

Enterprising Investor: Annie Duke And Morgan Housel–Three tools For Navigating Risk And Uncertainty “The more humility you have, the more that you go into your portfolio construction saying, ‘I don’t really know how the world is going to go.’ The people who do well through any financial crisis tend to be the people who don’t do too much and just kind of say, ‘Okay I’m just going to cover my bases.'”

All About Your Benjamins: Momentum

All About Your Benjamins: Words Of Advice For The Side Hustlers

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