
Weekly Mixtape For May 3rd, 2020

Week In Review Articles

The WSJ: U.S. Economy Shrank at 4.8% Pace in First Quarter

The WSJ: Coronavirus Prompts Record Drop in Consumer Spending

The WSJ: Over 3.8 Million Americans Filed for Jobless Benefits Last Week as States Struggle With Coronavirus Claims Surge

The WSJ: Fed’s Powell Says More Spending Will Be Needed From Congress

The WSJ: America Looks to Reopen From Coronavirus but Disagrees About How

The WSJ: Warren Buffett Says ‘American Magic’ to Overcome Coronavirus Uncertainty


Weekly Mixtape

The Retirement Field Guide: Life Is Short ” For my step-dad, never the two shall meet. He had no ego and no puffed out chest for his accomplishments. He just kept his head down and worked hard.”

Morgan Housel: When You Have No Idea What Happens Next “We’ve learned this year that assumptions you have about the future can be destroyed overnight. That’s true for the poorest to the most successful, the old dry cleaner to the tech startup. It was true in January, and it’ll be true again in the future. Things change.”

Christopher Clepp: Can You Believe What You Are Seeing? “There is a lot that does not seem to make sense these days. If we are long term in our outlook, then remain focused on those long term returns and try to tune out the short term noise. There are a near infinite number of scenarios that could play out in the future. If we act like we know now which one it will be we could be exactly right or exactly wrong. Being exactly wrong is how we end up broke. If we prepare for any eventuality we can keep ourselves from being catastrophically wrong and in extreme financial pain.”

Douglas Boneparth: A Matter Of Trust ” hope my daughter is still too young for the pandemic to give her enough of a comparison to the way things were and the way things will be moving forward. We could be so lucky to possess some of the blissful ignorance that comes from a little child’s limited capacity to remember. “

Dasarte Yarnway: The Value Of An Advisor “In addition to seeing the things that you may not see, they can help you accentuate your natural ability. If you are already a great planner, an advisor could help make your financial plan better. If you are a good stock picker, perhaps an advisor can give you a second opinion or a new way of looking at your holdings. As my coach used to say, “good is the enemy of great.””

Pragmatic Capitalism: What The Hell Is The Stock Market Doing? “This is mostly about an unprecedented government stimulus that is going to households and businesses and, let’s be frank, will NOT be saved by households because American households don’t save. And when that household saving number falls, which it will, the money flows right into the coffers of corporate America. The stock market isn’t dumb. It knows this. And it’s pricing that potential outcome in as we speak.”

A Wealth Of Common Sense: It’s Just Another Manic Market “No one ever knows the direction of the market over the short-term even if the long-term trend has been up. The only thing I’m fairly certain about at the moment when it comes to the stock market is that Mr. Market will continue to offer unstable quotations to investors depending on the day.”

Jonathan Clements: We Need To Talk “Have a discussion with your elementary school kids about how you make financial tradeoffs. Explain that the family spends, say, less on cable channels so there’s more money for vacations.”

All About Your Benjamins: Guest Appearance On Chit Chat Money

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