Every Friday I’ll be releasing my own compilation, a mixtape if you will, of blog posts from the week I think are worth your time.
This week’s post is coming to you a day late because I was busy celebrating my 11th wedding anniversary yesterday. While every anniversary is special, I’ll never forget our 2nd, September 15th, 2008–the day Lehman Brothers collapsed. I remember being at dinner eating sushi as the news continued to come out about Lehman Brothers filing for bankruptcy and what that meant for the financial system. I knew it was bad, but didn’t fully understand how bad it was for Lehman Brothers to go under.
As soon as we finished dinner and got back home, I called all of my clients to discuss what was happening and to reassure them that we had to stick with our plan–I had no idea of the ride we’d all be taking over the coming year. Being proactive and calling my clients ended up being one of the best decisions in my career, and my wife was 100% cool with me spending a few hours of our anniversary on the phone with clients. How many wives would have had that reaction? Or, how many wives would have said ok to their husband leaving a stable income, health insurance, and retirement benefits to chase his dream of starting his own financial planning firm? To say I’m lucky is an understatement. I’ve been blessed to find my perfect match–we’ve had an amazing 11 years or marriage, and I can’t wait to see what the next 11 (and the 11 after that…) have in store for us. I do know one thing, year 12 is going to have an exciting start with Baby Boy #3 arriving next month. Happy Anniversary!
Thanks for letting me shout out my wife and share a little more of my life with you! Now here’s your mixtape for the week…hope you enjoy it!
Alpha Architect: March For the Fallen: Get Fit With Alpha Architect This isn’t really a post, but I wanted to draw your attention to a great event put on by one of my favorite investment professionals, Wes Gray. I’m bummed to be missing the march, but as you just read, the 15th is my anniversary and being away to hike through the woods with a bunch of investment dudes is not how I should celebrate. Hopefully next year will fall on a more favorable date. I can only imagine the conversations that will be had today…the world’s problems may get solved!
A Wealth of Common Sense: Why I Love Writing About The Markets Ben shares why he writes, and as you already know, I am glad he writes because he shares great content with us…he’s a regular on my mixtapes. As I read through his list for why he writes, I had one thought–samesies.
The WSJ: If You Want to Feel Better, Spend Money on Saving Time Not only should we focus on experiences over “things”, but we should also focus on creating more time over accumulating more things to increase happiness.
Bason Asset Management: Familiar Hard vs. Unfamiliar Hard James doesn’t write as often as he used to, but when he does, it’s usually really good. This one is no different. “The trick is to remember that unfamiliar hards become familiar hards.”
Morgan Housel via Collaborative Fund: Make Your Point an Get Out of the Way I’m working on this…Morgan is great!
All About Your Benjamins: A Rant on Millennials and Savings
A break from financial planning related posts:
The WSJ: Hey! Russell Westbrook and Lebron James Have Got Next! My boys and I have been watching highlights of these games on Instagram all summer. It would be an amazing to be fly on the wall of the gym when theses guys are playing pick up.
The WSJ: LaCroix Fizzy Water Is Everyone’s Favorite. Nobody Knows What’s In It. I love LaCroix. I hate not knowing what I’m putting in my body. Now I have a dilemma. Also, I had a friend tell me he did a PH test on LaCroix and it was a 4, which I can only assume means it’s very acidic (it’s been awhile since chemistry class). What’s a Millennial to do?
Disclaimer: Nothing on this blog should be considered advice, or recommendations. If you have questions pertaining your individual situation you should consult your financial advisor. For all of the disclaimers, please see my disclaimers page.