It’s no secret investment management and research is my favorite part of the execution of a financial plan. Prior to starting RL Wealth Management, I would research different strategies and read what the best money managers would write, but I was never in a position where I could use my research in my clients’ portfolios. That all changed in July of 2015, and I quickly began to incorporate funds from Dimensional Fund Advisors because of their extensive research into factor investing. I even took DFA’s research and implemented the use of factors in the ETF portfolios I use with younger clients.
In this episode of the Whiteboard Series, Roman, Leo and I discuss factor investing and hopefully expose you to a new way to look at diversification in your portfolio. Of course, consult your financial advisor to see if factor investing makes sense for your portfolio.
Also see below for a link to the book I recommend–I’m not an Amazon affiliate, just trying to help you out!
Additional Reading: Your Complete Guide To Factor-Based Investing
Disclaimer: Nothing on this blog should be considered advice, or recommendations. If you have questions pertaining your individual situation you should consult your financial advisor. For all of the disclaimers, please see my disclaimer page.
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