Bigger Picture, Investing, Millennials

Money and Happiness

Does more money bring greater happiness? Logic would suggest yes; after all, we all talk about what we would do if we had more money, but science suggests otherwise. According to science, more money brings more happiness, but only up to a certain point. This is a very intriguing phenomenon, and if you are interested learning more, check out the…

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Bigger Picture

Lemonade Day 2017

This Saturday, May 20th, is Lemonade Day in Indianapolis, and it will be the third year Roman and Leo will be participating with a lemonade stand of their own. For those not familiar with Lemonade Day, it was started in 2007 by Michael Holthouse to teach kids how to start, own and run their own business–a lemonade stand. In 2009…

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Bigger Picture


This weekend my wife and I spent the evening at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway for the #RevIndy fundraising event; this was our second year attending the fundraiser for the Methodist Health Foundation. I’m not a seasoned fundraiser attendee, but Rev has to be the best fundraising event in Indy!

Bigger Picture

The Important Things

Over the weekend my wife finally gave me the ok to share the news of her pregnancy on social media; it seems kind of silly for a grown man to be so excited to post to social media, but I was stoked to share with friends and family that we’d be welcoming our third child later this fall. As I began…

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Bigger Picture

RLWM is Growing

I’ve been making the rounds on social media today sharing some exciting news…the RL Wealth Management family is growing. No, I’m not quite ready to hire my first employee. Rather, my wife is expecting our third child in late October, and since RLWM is an extension of my family, I view it as the company is growing too. As we…

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Baby Boomers, Bigger Picture, Millennials

RL Wealth Management on Social Media

Can’t get enough? Make sure to follow my firm, RL Wealth Management, L.L.C., on Instagram and Facebook, and since you’re at it, follow me on Twitter. You’ll get even more content, a behind the scenes look at RLWM, and the occasional family post–these might be the best. RL Wealth Management Instagram @RLWealthManagement RL Wealth Management Facebook @RLWealthManagement Twitter @Jus10Castelli  …

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Baby Boomers, Bigger Picture, Economics, Financial Planning, Millennials

WSJ: The Challenge of Our Disruptive Era

“We are entering an era in which we’re going to have to create a society of life long learners” -Ben Sasse Ben Sasse’s commentary in the Wall Street Journal addresses a very important topic, one I’m not sure the majority of the public is thinking about. We are experiencing a fundamental change in our economy, and this type of transition…

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Bigger Picture

Check Your Body Language

As a parent of two youngsters who love basketball, I really appreciate the video of Geno Auriemma at the 2016 Women’s NCAA Championship discussing the value he places on enthusiasm and body language. If you have not seen this video making its way around social media over the last few days, take a couple of minutes to watch. It is…

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