Bigger Picture, Financial Planning

What’s Wealth Mean To You?

Wealth: 1. an abudance of valuable material possessions or resources  2. abundant supply  3. a.) all property that has a money value or an exchangable value b.) all material objects that have economic utilty; especially: the stock of useful goods having economic value in existence at any one time. -Merriam-Webster Dictionary I had the opportunity to join Tim and Tom…

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Bigger Picture

The Rebrand Is Official

Well, it’s official: The DBA paperwork has been filed with the Secretary of the State of Indiana and approved, the ADV has been updated, and revamped logos are finalized–the change from RL Wealth Management to RLS Wealth Management is complete. And with no more plans to add to our family, there will be no more rebranding. Who knew all of…

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Bigger Picture

AAYB in 2018

It is said you are more likely stick with an intention to do something if you write it down or share with someone else. Instead of settling for just one form of reinforcement, I’m going with both–I’m writing these resolutions down and sharing them with you. The new year has brought a renewed focus for All About Your Benjamins and…

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Bigger Picture

Continuing The Momentum…

It is well-documented compound interest is one of the strongest forces known to man, and not too far behind compound interest is momentum. I think one of the factors that keep momentum from receiving more praise is momentum can fade and it requires work to keep it going. Compound interest just works–it doesn’t take much effort to keep it compounding.…

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Bigger Picture, Financial Planning

Why I Want To Be Naked

“Using trust as a competitive advantage, modern firms are guided by transparency, ownership of attention, and consistent communication with current and prospective clients. We call them Naked Brands.” Sorry for the click bait…what I should have said is Why I Want RLWM (soon to be RLSWM) To Be A “Naked Brand”…but that wouldn’t have been as attention-grabbing. Early in my…

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Memorial WOD for Artie Stevens

CrossFitters can be annoying–we post pictures of torn hands, sweat angels, and our workouts. We constantly talk about PRs, our Paleo snacks, and macronutrient counts. I get why non-CrossFitters don’t always like us. But, no matter how annoying we can be with our love for CrossFit, one thing cannot be denied, CrossFitters are a part of an amazing community. Today,…

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Bigger Picture

Introducing Silas Castelli

I’ve been meaning to write this for about a week now, but I’ve been preoccupied, with good reason. Halloween was an eventful day for my family. After taking Roman (Carlos from Disney’s The Descendants) and Leo (Steph Curry) around the neighborhood to trick-or-treat, I came home to find my wife having contractions about 6-7 minutes apart; they had started earlier…

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Why You’ll Find Me On Twitter

Twitter may not have figured everything out yet, but this morning they reported a better than expected sales number and an increase in the all-important monthly users. Who knows what this means for the long term, but in honor of Twitter’s big morning, I wanted to share why the service is so important to me. News. First and foremost, Twitter is…

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