For the last year I’ve been referencing the alignment of spirit, mind, body, and money on the Pursuit of the authentic life–with much of the emphasis on spirit, mind, and body. I’ve focused so much of my energy on the first three components of the equation because I believe the majority of people are not fully living their authentic lives and you cannot find your authentic life without connecting to your spirit, mind, and body.
But once you find your alignment and begin to step into your authentic life, the financial planning component of the equation becomes important.
Financial concerns are one of the main reasons people do not fully step into the authentic life they’ve discovered…
“I can’t afford that life.”
“How do I earn enough money?”
“I’ll have to tap into my savings”
Understandably, the excitement of being able to see a different version of your Self and a life that feels more authentic can easily be overcome by the stress and fear of the financial unknowns of this new life. It would be a shame to do all of the internal work to find your authentic Self and life only to never experience it because you never sit down to align your finances.
Money may not be THE most important part of the equation of authentically living, but it is critical to making it become a reality.
To incorporate money into your authentic life, your financial plan needs to be built around your values, key people, and non-negotiable of your authentic life. With the clarity of the life you are moving toward, it becomes easier to distribute dollars within your budget, determine where and in what types of accounts and investments your dollars should be allocated, and how to find the balance of affording your new life and continuing to plan for the evolution of your authentic life over time.
If you find money as the final barrier between you and your authentic life, knock it down by revisiting your financial plan, place the details of your authentic life in the center of your plan, and rework the numbers to align with your authentic life…your finances should not keep you from experiencing the life you were meant to live.
Thumbnail post credit: Photo by Paul Hanaoka on Unsplash
Disclaimer: Nothing on this blog should be considered advice, or recommendations. If you have questions pertaining your individual situation you should consult your financial advisor. For all of the disclaimers, please see my disclaimers page.
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