If you have noticed, with the exception of the Mixtape, the tone and subject matter of All About Your Benjamins has evolved.
Over the weekend, I scrolled through the last 5+ years worth of blog posts and smiled as I could tell where I was on my professional and personal journeys by the posts I was writing. One of the overlooked benefits of having a blog is having documentation of my thoughts, growth, and an everlasting way for future generations of Castellis to see how smart/dumb/crazy their relative was. The legacy play of creating content was something that never registered for me until a client pointed it out and it will be the reason that I keep creating, even if it no longer serves my professional goals.
Over the last year or so my posts and podcasts have begun to shift away from personal finance to discussions and observations on the power of mindset, our personal Pursuits, the control we have over our journey, and how we can help manifest our goals. These subjects, and ones in parallel to them, are of great interest to me right now and I believe there is a connection between them and your financial planning. I don’t feel as if I have more to contribute to the financial blogosphere when it comes to traditional financial planning—there are tons of great writers who do a better job of explaining those topics and I will continue to curate them here to make it easier for you to find them. I still want you to continue your personal growth with your finances but I don’t think I’m the one to write those posts anymore. Don’t get me wrong, if there’s something I feel like I can make a contribution to, I will write or record about it.
Where I DO think I can bring tons of value, thought-provoking posts, and fun content is connecting the dots between your mindset, aligning your values with your finances, understanding and looking for clues from the Universe, and how they all fit into your financial goals and planning. I also have a lot to say about the future of my profession but I’ll save those posts for my blog over on my personal website.
Looking back I’m so glad I chose All About Your Benjamins because it is open enough to allow me to evolve and change the subject matter over time–where we’re going is still All About Your Benjamins and I think it’s an improved path.
Funny how following your passions can lead you to where you’re supposed to be and where you can make the greatest impact 😁.
Disclaimer: Nothing on this blog should be considered advice, or recommendations. If you have questions pertaining to your individual situation you should consult your financial advisor. For all of the disclaimers, please see my disclaimers page.